
In Job, chapter one, verse one, begins a book many defer not to read or study because it involves a man of God who experiences suffering and public criticism. Job lived in the age of the patriarchs, in the time of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the Old Testament. Arguably, the land of Uz is southeast of Palestine, and the Dead Sea or in northern Arabia, and others believe it was northeast of the Sea of Galilee, toward Damascus.

Job feared God and turned away from evil, which became the foundation for his blamelessness and uprightness, as in Proverbs one, verse seven. “Perfect” refers to Job’s moral integrity and wholehearted commitment to God. “Upright” denotes rightness in word, thought, and action. God restates this declaration concerning Job’s righteousness from verse eight and in chapter two, verse three, accordingly. However, this affirms that God can redeem fallen humans to make them genuinely good, righteous, and victorious over sin. The statement shames and exposes an error in evangelical teaching today that maintains that no believer in Christ, even with the now fully available help of the Holy Spirit, can ever expect to be blameless and upright in this life and must expect to sin every day in word, thought and deed with no hope of overcoming the flesh in this life. Not true! Wrong!

Today, believers must understand that we have an enemy who is a strategist who is a deceiver and uses the mind against people at all levels to convince and force people, especially believers, to do, hear, see, and think the wrong thing to bring down others to fall into his dominion because he wants people away from God to follow his ways. Remember, the Word of God is the road map to perfection. Yes, believers will face the temptation to sin, but we do not have to give in. Our lifestyle depends on what we decide to do and who we live with in terms of the environment that plays a role in living free from sin. 

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