Testified against them by thy spirit

In Nehemiah, chapter nine, verse thirty, a principal work of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament was to rebuke the people of God and expose their sin through His faithful prophets. Under the new covenant, the Spirit continues to convict people of sin.
The theme verse is another part of the prayer of Ezra that begins in verses six through thirty-seven. Many years didst thou forbear them relates to the ten tribes for the two hundred and sixty years from the revolt of Jeroboam, the remaining two tribes for one hundred and thirty-five years longer. Ezra mentions in his prayer that God testifies against them by thy Spirit in the prophets was a continual succession from the time of Solomon to, and through, the captivity. Besides those whose writings have come down to us, we find mention of Ahijah the Shilonite, Iddo the seer, Shemaiah the prophet, Hanani, Jehu the son of Hanani, Elijah, Elisha, Micaiah the son of Imlah, Zechariah the son of Jehoiada, Huldah, and perhaps Hosai. The guilt of people of God enormously increased that they would not give an ear to the appeals constantly addressed to them by the messengers of God. Therefore, they got delivered into the hands of the heathen or people of the lands. 
The words which the Lord of hosts had sent by his Spirit by the hand of the former prophets.’ The words do not affirm the Personality of the Divine Spirit but the Divine revelation to the mind of man, which was spiritual. The Spirit is the agent, and the prophets are the channels of Divine communication. However, the souls are the people God made in His image to redeem from destruction. Still, the importance for the hearer is not only to listen but obey and do what the Bible says.

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