Thou gavest thy good spirit to instruct them

In Nehemiah, chapter nine, verse twenty, the Holy Spirit is our leader to guide us into God’s truth and righteous ways. This theme verse was a part of Ezra’s prayer for chapter nine when he was praying to God about how the people did not obey, that the Lord brought the Israelites out of Egypt, yet they made a molten calf to proclaim that this image saved them from Pharoah and the Egyptians.
The Holy Spirit is called the “Spirit of Truth” in John fourteen, verse seventeen: because He is the Spirit of Jesus, who is the truth, as in chapter fifteen, verses twenty-six, and chapter sixteen, verse thirteen, and First John four, verse six, and chapter five, verse six. As such, He testifies to the truth, as in John eighteen, verse thirty-seven, enlightens concerning the truth, exposes untruth, in John sixteen, verse eight, and guides the believer into all truth, as in John sixteen, verse thirteen. Those willing to sacrifice truth for unity, love, or any other reason deny the Spirit of truth, which they claim lives in them.
The church that abandons the truth abandons its Lord. The Holy Spirit will not be the Counselor of those indifferent to the faith and half-hearted in their commitment to the truth. He comes only to those who worship the Lord “in spirit and truth,” as in John four, verse twenty-four. The Holy Spirit is together with the Father and the Son called the Trinity, the three in one. Believers ought to talk about and rejoice in the work of the Holy Spirit.
There are two classes of people living on the earth. People who live according to the sinful nature and those who live according to the Spirit. The individuals who live after the flesh and others that live after the Spirit.

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