Who commanded you to build this house?

In Ezra, chapter five, verse three, Tatnai and Shethar-boznai may be new governors or prefects whom Darius had sent, for it was usual with new kings to change the governors of provinces. They came with a question of who commanded you to build this house. No sooner did the Spirit of God stir up the friends of the temple to appear for it, but the evil spirit stirred up its enemies to appear against it. While the people built and ceiled their own houses, their enemies gave them no molestation, as in Haggai one, verse four, though the king’s order was to stop the building, in Ezra four, verse twenty-one. But when they attempted work again at the temple, the anxiety of the opposition and all heads were at work to hinder it.
The people had obeyed the word of the Lord that came through His prophets, as in verse one. They committed themselves to working for the glory of God in the following verse, and God uniquely was with them in the fifth verse. Yet the enemy came to oppose the work. In every spiritual advance, we can expect our efforts to be disputed and tested by Satan and the enemies of Christ. God’s people must respond to such opposition by continually praying to God, trusting Him, and pressing forward until the work is complete.
In Ephesians six, verse eleven, Christian soldiers must engage against all evil but not in our physical power, as in Second Corinthians ten, verse three, but with spiritual weapons, as in Ephesians six, verses ten through eighteen, and Second Corinthians ten, verses four to five, respectively. The people of God must persevere, as in Ephesians six, verse eighteen, not be frightened by opponents, as in Philippians one, verse twenty-eight, and conquer, in Romans eight, verse thirty-seven, to triumph, in Second Corinthians two, verse fourteen, accordingly.

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