The copy of letter sent to Artaxerxes

In Ezra, chapter four, verses eleven, Ezra does not give details of the accusation made by Judah’s enemies to King Ahasuerus, as in verse six, when the copy of the letter on Ezra’s day was given to the next king, Artaxerxes. Unfortunately, the letter contained some truth – Jerusalem had rebelled against the Babylonians more than once.
It is an old slander of the prosperity of the church would be hurtful to kings and princes. Nothing can be false. Godliness teaches us to honor and obey our sovereign. But where the command of God requires one thing and the law of the land another, we must obey God rather than man and patiently submit to the consequences. All who love the gospel should avoid all appearance of evil, lest they should encourage adversaries of the church. The world is ever ready to believe any accusation against the people of God and refuses to listen to them. The king suffered himself to be imposed upon by these frauds and falsehoods. Princes see and hear with other men’s eyes and ears and judge things as represented, often done falsely. But God’s judgment is just; he sees things as they are.
Today, children of God face challenges with situations concerning their well-being. Whether at home with family, with neighbors, at work among coworkers, or at a social gathering. The devil will attempt to conspire against Christians or believers to distract them from their focus on God and all endeavors of doing His will and of reaching goals or desires that has the approval of God. How do we overcome these obstacles? Through prayer and using the scriptures to counter the enemy. Especially in the morning before daybreak, we must pray and address these problems so God can work on our behalf before the enemy can attempt to hinder our day.
Believer should approach God specifically with what is going on right now. We may use the approach like Hannah in the Bible, where we move our lips without making a sound because it is a private prayer to God. He hears and knows what we are saying. There are times we will shout bind that spirit that is trying to block our way using the name of Jesus and saying, “we appy the blood of Jesus Christ against you devil over this problem.” The more specific to the issue, the better. Believers must continue and believe until we see the results.

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