Until the reign of Darius king of Persia

In Ezra four, verse five, the Samaritans endeavored by every means to molest the workers and obstruct the progress of the building. Although they could not alter the decree that Cyrus had issued regarding it, yet by bribes and fraudulent activity plied at court, they labored to frustrate the effects of the commandment.
Their success in those underhand dealings was great. For Cyrus, being frequently absent and much absorbed in his warlike expeditions left the government in the hands of his son Cambyses, a wicked prince and hostile to the people of God and their religion. The same arts were practiced during the reign of his successor, Smerdis, down to the time of Darius Hystaspes. The difficulties and obstacles so interposed for twenty years, where the progress of the work was slow.
Today, believers may go through different obstacles regarding progress in goals and desires or to improve their life situation from where they are right now. Followers of God will go through challenges in life that may not seem to make sense. Like the Samaritans to the people of God in those days, similar activities will occur with believers nowadays. This unforeseen activity is against the wiles of the devil. As Christians or believers, we experience spiritual conflict with evil.
The description of spiritual conflict is a warfare of faith, as in Ephesians six, verse twelve, Second Corinthians ten, verse four and First Timothy one, verses eighteen through nineteen, that continues until the life to come. Again, some of the various schemes the devil uses will be unbelief in the Word of God, discouragement, temptation to sin, fear, accusation, conflict with others, compromise of conscience, indulging in our sinful nature, and so forth. Satan is a masterful strategist who seeks our downfall. However, we must use the Word of God in what it says in these situations to counter his efforts, especially using other people against us, such as family, friends, co-workers, neighbors, strangers, and enemies.

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