He read all the words of the book

In Second Chronicles, chapter thirty-four, verse thirty, every spiritual revival recorded in the Old Testament came from a renewed proclamation of and commitment to the Word of God. Josiah read the “words of the book of the covenant” in the people’s presence, and they returned to the Lord, as in verses thirty through thirty-three. Earlier, Jehoshaphat and the Levites “taught in Judah, and had a book of the law of the Lord with them” in chapter seventeen, verse nine. Later, Ezra read from God’s law for six hours a day for seven days, as in Nehemiah eight, verses three and eighteen, and explained it in such a way that the people: “caused them to understand the reading,” in Nehemiah eight, verse eight.

All genuine revivals accompany restoring the Word of God to its appointed place of authority and honor. One sure evidence that revival is beginning among God’s people is a great desire to hear, search out, and obey the Word of the Lord. Joshua one verse eight declares, “This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.” The obedience of the Word of God by giving time to reading and practice by living shall have the favor of the Lord on our lives. However, the challenge to do that will encounter opposition from the evil one who will use those around us that are ungodly and will use worldly distractions to prohibit this godly way of life believers desire to choose from happening.

Today, people in high positions and areas try to change God’s Word and eliminate it. Why? Their hearts and minds do not strive to serve God but to serve it. Romans eight, verse thirty-one, “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?” God has the power, and the devil is an illusionist. The enemy is a deceiver and a distracter in an attempt to take the believer off the path of God onto his way. Read the Word of God every free opportunity until He reveals it to you by His Spirit and gets a true servant of His to reveal the Word of God to you!

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