Sanctify now yourselves

In Second Chronicles, chapter twenty-nine, verse five, for God’s people to experience revival and renewal, there are four things to remember: The confession of specific sins. We must recognize where we have departed from God’s will and Word and confess those sins, as in verses six through seven, Psalms fifty-one, verse three, and Matthew five, verse twenty-four. The second is cleansing the house of the Lord, as in verses five and eighteen, accordingly. The church is God’s house under the new covenant, as in First Corinthians three, verse sixteen, Second Chronicles six, verse sixteen, and Ephesians two, verses twenty-one to twenty-two, respectively. We must remove those things in the church’s belief system, worship, and lifestyle contrary to God’s will. Likewise, the believer as the temple of the Holy Spirit, as in First Corinthians six, verse nineteen, must be cleansed from all unrighteousness, as in First John one, verse nine.
The third is the renewal of the covenant, as in verses ten through eleven, we must renew our dedication to God, His kingdom, and His righteous cause on earth, and we must express a sincere desire to turn from the evil of the world and to resist sin.
The fourth is the proclamation of the blood sacrifice for atonement, as in verses twenty through twenty-four. We must appropriate by faith the blood atonement of Jesus Christ, who suffered on the cross to save, sanctify, and heal His people. In Hebrews nine, verses eleven through fourteen indicate that we have to do nothing on our part but to ask and receive the cleansing blood through Jesus Christ that took our place on the cross.
The blood of Jesus is central to the New Testament concept of redemption. His blood forgives the sins of all who repent and believe and ransoms all believers from the power of Satan and evil powers. Jesus Christ’s blood justifies all who believe in Him and cleanses believers’ consciences so that they might serve God without guilt in faith.

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