If my people humble pray seek turn

In Second Chronicles, chapter seven, verse fourteen, God’s judgment of His people during the moral decline, spiritual apathy, and worldly compromise is drought, barrenness, pestilence, and affliction. God’s compromise, although given to Israel, applies equally to His people of any generation who, after experiencing His judgment, meet the following four conditions for the revival of spiritual life and restoration of God’s holy purpose and blessing for His people in Acts three, verse nineteen.
“Humble themselves.” God’s people must recognize their failures, manifest sorrow for their sins, and renew their commitment to do God’s will. Humbling oneself before God and His Word means recognizing one’s spiritual poverty, as in Second Chronicles eleven, verse sixteen, chapter fifteen, verses twelve through thirteen, verse fifteen, chapter thirty-four, verses fifteen to nineteen, Psalms fifty-one, verse seven, and Matthew five, verse three.
“Pray.” God’s people must cry out to Him in desperation for mercy, depend upon Him, and trust Him for his divine intervention. The prayer must be earnest and sustained until God answers from Heaven, as in Luke eleven, verses one through thirteen, chapter eighteen, verses one to eight, and James five, verses seventeen to eighteen, respectively.
“Seek my face.” God’s people must diligently turn to God with a whole heart and long for His presence and not just try to escape from adversity, as in Second Chronicles eleven, verse sixteen, chapter nineteen, verse three, First Chronicles sixteen, verse eleven, chapter twenty-two, verse nineteen, and Isaiah fifty-five, verses six through seven, respectively.
“Turn from their wicked ways.”God’s people must genuinely repent by turning from specific sins and all forms of Idolatry, renouncing conformity to the world, and drawing near to God for mercy, forgiveness, and cleansing, as in Second Chronicles twenty-nine, verses six through eleven, Second Kings seventeen, verse thirteen, Jeremiah twenty-five, verse five, Zechariah one, verse four, and Hebrews four, verse sixteen, accordingly.

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