The glory of the Lord

In Second Chronicles, chapter seven, verse one, the “glory of the Lord” refers to a visible manifestation of God’s presence and splendor. Solomon, at the beginning of this chapter until verse ten, was dedicating the house of God. How was he devoting the temple? Solomon was praying. His prayer of dedication in chapter six, from verses twelve through forty-two, is the reason.
Solomon, before the prayer, builded the temple as in Second Chronicles two, verse one, that describes his determinaton. Then, the preparation to build the temple in verses three to chapter three, verse two. Then, the follow up of the practical building of the house of God from verses three through seventeen. The beginning of chapter four is the furnishings of temple unitl chapter five, verse one of Second Chronicles, to finally bringing the ark to the temple in verse two, through chapter six, verse eleven. The begining of Second Chronicles three, verse one, as Solomon receive instruction from God, and the process until completing it brought the experience of the glory of the Lord.
The cloud is God’s presence, and majesty filled the temple, as in the experience with Moses in Exodus forty, verse thirty-five. When Moses finished the work as God had directed, their obedience, not the priests, brought down God’s glory. Therefore, Solomon and Moses responded in reverence to God, and He was pleased and explains the fire coming down from heaven, consuming the offering and sacrifices where His glory the filled the house.
The manifestation foreshadows the Lord’s dwelling in and among His people through the true church. What is the true church? Those who follow the Lord by the Word of God in obedience will experience something as what happened wth Solomon and Moses in the Old Testament. Perhaps, even more than that, if believers obey God’s Word and reverence Him.

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