The house for the name of the Lord

In Second Chronicles, chapter six, verse ten, the Bible often refers to temples about salvation history. The dwelling places God mentions are the tabernacle, Solomon’s temple, Ezekiel’s temple, Zerubbabel’s temple, Herod’s temple, Christ’s body, the church, the individual believer’s body, and the new Jerusalem, as in Revelation twenty-one, verse twenty-two.
There is an old nursery rhyme in elementary school regarding the church and people. “
Here’s the church, and there’s the steeple.
Open the door and see all the people.
Here’s the parson going upstairs.
And here he is now he’s saying his prayers.
What does this have to do with the name of the house of the Lord? Well, the temple begins with the people who are in it. There are many churches today, but what are they teaching, what are they preaching, and who are they representing? Is the foundation for God, the world, or themselves?
The house of the Lord should have God dwelling there, the Holy Spirit within, and Jesus’ name as the message, along with the Word of God coming through the servants of God who are to live clean lives before the Lord according to what the Bible says for leaders of the church. However, if anyone were to do a Biblical search, the first verse that is of importance would be in First Corinthians three, verse seventeen, “If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are.” God is holy, and His children must be the same. The word means we must live and do the things in what God’s Word says about being righteous and pure in heart.
However, there has been a problem in churches regarding prosperity. Financial blessings and receiving worldly things seem to be the focus of the church today. God’s will should be the agenda in which He will provide those things. Matthew six, verse thirty-three, should remind those who desire to serve Him. “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.” Not we trying to add it ourselves.

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