Solomon began to build

In Second Chronicles, chapter three, verse one, a comparison of the temple of Solomon and the temple of Christ, which is the church, reveals the following: The temple of Solomon was by David’s son who built it as in chapter two, verse one. The church by David’s descendant is the Lord Jesus Christ, as in Hebrews three, verse three through six. The temple of Solomon was made of gold, silver, and precious stone, as in First Chronicles twenty-nine, verses three through eight. The church assembled with the redeemed lives of those purchased at the cost of the precious blood of Christ, as in First Peter one, verses eighteen to nineteen, and chapter two, verse five, respectively.
The temple of Solomon stood on Mount Moriah as described in the theme verse, and the church stands on the rock of Jesus’ divine person and sacrificial death as in Matthew sixteen, verse eighteen, and Ephesians two, verse twenty. The temple of Solomon had earhtly mediating priests, as in First Chronicles twenty-four, and the church has a heavenly high priest to whom all believers may draw near for eternal salvation, as in Hebrews two, verse seventeen, and chapter seven, verse twenty-five, accordingly. The temple of Solomon was made beautiful by gold and decorations, as in First Chronicles twenty-two, verse five. The church becomes beautiful by the purity and power of the Hoy Spirit within the believer’s life, as in Acts one, verse eight, chapter two, verse four, Galatians five, verse twenty-two, and First Peter three, verses three through four.
The temple of Solomon provided a place for God’s appropriate dwelling among His people. The church is the exclusive dwelling of the Holy Spirit upon earth, as in First Corinthians three, stanza sixteen, chapter six, verse nineteen, accordingly. The temple of Solomon was earhtly and temporal, as the result in Second Kings twenty-five, verses eight through nine, and the temple of Christ is heavenly and everlasting as in Revelation chapters twenty-one through twenty-two. The church, therefore, is the heir and successor of the tabernacle and temple as the visible dwelling place of God on earth.

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