Bless the Lord your God

In First Chronicles, chapter twenty-nine, verse twenty, to “bless the Lord” is to adore and worship Him as in Psalms one-hundred and three, verses one through two. This verse came after David finished praying to God and Solomon was about to be made King and begin where his father left off. This great assembly joined with David in adoring God. Whoever is the mouth of the congregation, those only have the benefit who join him, not by bowing down the head, so much as by lifting up the soul. Solomon sat on the throne of the Lord. Solomon’s kingdom typified the kingdom of the Messiah, whose throne is the throne of the Lord.
When believers bless God, they begin recalling God’s goodness, righteousness and glory, and then respond with praise and adoration. There are very few people that do bless the Lord continually. However, the ones that do have praise upon their lips constantly are the believers that seem to continue to get more from God. Why? They express their gratitude towards Him for things He has done for them in the past that most followers of Christ tend to forget.
All believers should bless the Lord for His mercy and grace, for all the good He has granted. However, the godly tend not to remmeber and only focus on the current problem or situation they face now. It is so easy to fall into that pattern where God helps us out, and then we move on to consentrate on something else that may affect our attitude. For a believer, there will be continuous battles and struggles that will occur at times. Still, we need to remember what God did many times for all His people in the past and should recall and give thanks and praise and mention those things to Hiim and others as a testimony.

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