Keep and seek for all the commandments

In First Chronicles, chapter twenty-eight, verse eight, the condition for establishing Solomon’s kingdom was a life of obedience and faithfulness to God. Solomon heeded his father’s advice but later departed from God. For the Son of David, this challenge is for those initially in a personal relationship with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In a marriage, when each partner says their vows, they are to honor them. However, the test begins outside the union when they separately commute and go through their daily agendas.
Solomon was doing well as King of Israel from the start. First Kings three, verse three, “And Solomon loved the Lord, walking in the statutes of David his father,” as he began. The Lord ask the fourth Son of David in a dream, as in verse five of the same chapter, what shall he want? Solomon explain to God his desire through the following verses six through nine. All was going well for him, and it seems he could do no wrong in the sight of being King of Israel.
Although God did visit Solomon in a dream, he awoke as in First Kings three, verse fifteen, and immediately was tested in the following verse sixteen regarding a case with two women and the rightful mother of a living baby, which tells the story to the end of this chapter. God blessed Solomon with things he did not ask for and more. However, when Solomon officially was King of Israel at the beginning of chapter four of First Kings, this is where the challenge to overcome begins. Being the King of the Israelites, Solomon recieve princes and officers to aid him in this position. In addition, verse eleven, “The son of Abinadab, in all the region of Dor; which had Taphath the daughter of Solomon to wife.”
The eleventh verse here appears and does not explain how it came about. In verse fifteen, Solomon receives another wife, but this is where Solomon accepted this offer, made things different as he continues being King of Israel.
Today, as in Solomon’s situation, keeping and seeking the commandments is a daily service for believers or followers of God. Solomon recieves offers, such as women for marriage during his position, which he took and did not refuse. Even with all the wisdom Solomon received from God, it is easy to overlook something of this magnitude. Believers should be careful of all things, including offers that may seem simple and nothing to worry about. The offerings from others, believers should address God in all things, whether it is big or small. Galatians five, verse nine, “A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.”

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