They that be with us are more than they

In Second Kings, chapter six, verses sixteen to seventeen, an unseen spiritual realm exists, consisting of a host of ministering angels active in the lives of God’s people, as in Genesis thirty-two, verse two, and Isaiah sixty-three, verse nine. Several principles may derive from this event. Not only is God for His people as in Romans eight, verse thirty-one, but also armies of His angels stand by, ready to defend the believer and God’s kingdom.
All Bible-believing Christians should continually pray that God would deliver them from spiritual blindness and open the eyes of their hearts to see more clearly the spiritual reality of God’s kingdom, as in Luke twenty-four, verse thirty-one, and Ephesians one, verses eighteen through twenty-one, and its heavenly hosts in Hebrews one, verse fourteen. God’s ministering spirits are not far off, but are very close, as in Genesis thirty-two, verses one through two, observing the actions and faith of God’s children and working on their behalf as in Acts seven, verse fifty-five through sixty, First Corinthians four, verse nine, Ephesians three, verse ten, and First Timothy five, verse twenty-one, respectively.
The real battle in God’s kingdom is not flesh and blood; it is a spiritual battle against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places, as in Ephesians six, verse twelve and Revelation twelve, verses seven through nine. As Christians, we are in a spiritual conflict with evil. This spiritual conflict is a warfare of faith, as in Ephesians six, verse twelve, Second Corinthians ten, verse four, First Timothy one, verses eighteen to nineteen, that continues until we enter the life to come. The cause-and-effect relationship in spiritual battles is determined in part by the faith and prayers of the saints as here in verses sixteen through twenty of Kings, Ephesians six, eighteen to nineteen, respectively.

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