
In First Kings, chapter twenty-one, verse twenty-five, the goal of Ahab’s wicked wife was to uproot the worship of the Lord and to substitute the Baal of Tyre as the chief god of Israel, but she failed to do so. Instead, her name has become synonymous with wickedness, witchcraft, treachery, and spiritual seduction. Jezebel is an expression of a false prophetess within the church of Thyatira who was leading God’s people into immorality and worldliness, as in Revelation two, verse twenty.
In all his address to Ahab, Elijah has, as yet, disdained to name the instigator, on whom the coward king no doubt threw his guilt. Ahab stands revealed as the true culprit before God without a shred of deception to veil his ultimate responsibility. Now, briefly and sternly, the prophet Elijah notices the bolder criminal, pronouncing against her a doom of shame and horror, seldom falling upon a woman but rightly visiting one who had forsworn the pity and modesty of her sex. In the “ditch” outside the walls, where the refuse of the city gathers the half-wild dogs, the scavengers of Eastern cities, her dead body is to be thrown as garbage, torn, and devoured.
This verse and the next are the reflections of the compiler, catching its inspiration from the words of Elijah in First Kings twenty-one, verse twenty. There is in them a tone not only of condemnation but of contempt, for a king most unkingly selling himself to a half-unwilling course of crime, against the warnings of conscience, not disbelieved but neglected, for the sake of a paltry desire.
Jezebel meaning is a woman who is evil and a schemer: Impudent, violent, unscrupulous, vicious woman: A bold, vicious woman; a fighting female looking to inflict evil on others without mercy or remorse. Jezebel started a plan in the mind that manifests into evil activity on the innocent.

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