The Lord departed from him

In Judges, chapter sixteen, verse twenty, Samson is an example of those believers who think that God will remain with them even while they continue in sinful and immoral conduct. The Lord departed from this judge because of his continued disobedience. The passage strongly warns us that the Lord can leave a persistently sinning person without them even realizing it.
Samson failed to realize that compromise with the ungodly people caters to the powers of darkness and the evil world. The fact he engages in satisfying the flesh causes him to be vulnerable to the woman of other nations. Samson did not follow the advice of his father and mother regarding finding a lady from the Israelites but preferred to encounter them his way.
The enemy uses Delilah to lure Samson to rest, where she takes advantage of him and subdues his strength. Due to the pursuit of carnal desires on behalf of the son of Manoah, God will not dwell in a body living in sin because that territory belongs to the evil one. Two spirits that oppose each other will not share the same person. The individual either serves God or is serving the devil. However, if a person attempts to handle both will not work because God rejects contamination, and the enemy will abuse that individual.
Samson received a gift from God but did not live God’s way to maximize it. Near the end of his life, he acknowledges God when trouble arises and Delilah is no longer around him. Samson loved Delilah in comparison to the other woman. The other ladies he went to them, which could mean a variety of things in the Old Testament. Samson sacrifices for the pleasures of sin, which God knew and made the Lord to depart from Him. God sees right through us and knows our hearts and thoughts.

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