The children of Israel did evil

In Judges, chapter three, verse seven, Israel went through several cycles of apostasy, bondage, calling out to God, God’s deliverance, and falling away again. There are a few truths revealed in these events. The natural direction of God’s people, even after revival and restoration, is a spiritual decline again. Only faith, sincere gratitude, a persistent attempt to seek God’s face, and a constant rejection of the ungodly ways of pagan society will enable God’s people to maintain their first love, vision, and purity.
The history of salvation reveals a people reluctant to learn and profit from the spiritual decline and tragic consequences of previous generations of believers.
Unbelief and rebellion are not insignificant and are an insult to a righteous God appointed by His judgment. When the people of God compromise their relationship with Him, they will lose God’s blessing and fatherly presence. God is merciful and ready to respond to sincere repentance from His people. He always makes possible a new beginning through grace and faith in Him.
Today, many people, including believers, go through cycles of apostasy, bondage, crying out to God, and falling away. Since we are born in sin, when we reach maturity and have knowledge of good and evil, there is a constant force trying to keep us in the carnal way of life. The tendency to refrain and “go with the flow” mentality. The only concern is with the environment around us and not with God in heaven above. The sad thing about this approach is God is the one who made us and not ourselves.
Salvation is the only link between God and humans. He made the world, but the people in it do not recognize Him. Only those who faithfully desire to find Him will come to know Him in His fullness.

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