The lot of the children of Joseph

In Joshua, chapter sixteen, verse one, Joseph, the eleventh son of Jacob, did not have a tribe named after him because the inheritance was for his sons, Ephraim and Manasseh. As a result, Joseph received a double portion of the land in that Ephraim and Manasseh constituted two separate, complete tribes.

Though Joseph was one of the younger sons of Jacob: he was his eldest by his most just and best-beloved wife, Rachel. Jacob, his best-beloved son, who had been an ornament and support of his family, kept it from perishing in a time of famine and had been the shepherd and stone of Israel. Therefore his posterity was very much favored by the lot. Their portion lay in the very heart of the land of Canaan. It extended from Jordan in the east to the sea, the Mediterranean Sea in the west, so it took up the whole breadth of Canaan from side to side. There is no question the fruitfulness of the soil answered the blessings of both Jacob and Moses. The portions allotted to Ephraim and Manasseh are those of the other tribes. We have only limits and boundaries. Not the particular cities in them, as before we had the cities of Judah and afterward those of the other tribes. There is no reason unless we may suppose that Joshua referred it to him alone to distribute among them the several cities that lay within their lot. Therefore, they did not bring in the names of their cities to the great council of princes who sat upon this affair. That means it came to pass that they were not in with the rest of the books.

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