Took Achan….his sons

In Joshua, chapter seven, verse twenty-four, God punished the family of Achan because the family knew about his sin and did nothing about it. Deuteronomy twenty-four sixteen prohibits the punishment of children for the sins of their fathers. As a close-knit unit, all the members had a mutual responsibility to encourage, warn, and exhort one another so that all would remain committed to God and His Word. Having failed in this regard, they suffered the same consequences as Achan. Achan’s establishment experience devastation as though it had become part of Jericho.
It is not necessary to assert that the family of Achan were accomplices. His cattle were not so, yet they did not survive due to that sin from him. The severity of the punishment must be the estimation by the relation of Achan’s crime to the whole plan of the conquest of Canaan. If the destruction of the Canaanites was indeed the execution of divine vengeance, it must be kept entirely clear of all baser motives. Lest men should say that Jehovah gave His people the license to deal with the Canaanites as it seemed best for them.
Today, some families suffer to some degree, similar to the family of Achan. Parents or children involved in the dark world now or the past risk punishment for their actions. Those who currently participate in such activities could probably affect them and their family, present or future. People who tap into such spirits do not realize who they worship is who they will owe. Many participants do not understand it is a two-way street. 
Believers who serve God and show dedication to Him must follow His Word and do what pleases Him to receive His favor. However, those who serve the dark world also must do whatever they are into to gain what they seek. For both the light and dark sides, there are consequences. God says He spits them out if they are lukewarm, where people try to be in the middle. Participants in the dark world who go in have a hard time getting out.

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