The waters…shall stand upon a heap

In Joshua, chapter three, verse thirteen, God divided the flood waters of the Jordan as He divided the Red Sea. This miracle is evidence God was with Joshua as He had been with Moses. By this experiential demonstration of His power, God strengthened the faith of His people as they might face the challenges of possessing the promised land. Without such power, they could not have taken walled cities and advanced despite the giants of opposition to conquer the new land.
The priests did not stand in the middle of the river but at the edge of the flood. They were the ark-bearers who did not need to advance further. When their feet rested in the overflow, Jordan waves drove back. The waters descending from the north as it was recoiled and shrank away and stood up in one heap.
The waters of Jordan shall cut off and done in such a way as never was done but in dividing the Red sea. That miracle again comes to pass as God has the same power to finish the salvation of his people as to begin it. The word of the Lord was as valid with Joshua as with Moses. God’s appearances for his people ought to encourage faith and hope. God’s work is perfect and will keep his people. Jordan’s flood cannot keep out Israel, and Canaan’s force cannot turn them out again.
Today, God is still working on behalf of His people, especially those who are doing the will of God. His power represents how much love He has in protecting His people. No force of the dark world can stand up to the omniscient, Almighty One. God knows the hearts of His people who love Him and continue to fight the good fight of faith to the end.

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