Not hearken unto…..that prophet

In Deuteronomy, chapter thirteen, verse three, the fundamentals of the believers’ relationship to the Lord is their faithfulness to God and His revealed Word. The first five verses teach that the temptation to compromise our allegiance to God will come from those who appear to be spiritual. Several implications follow for our lives as believers. God will test the sincerity of our love and commitment to Him and His Word.
God sometimes tests us by allowing us to arise among His people, those who claim to speak for God and who provide “a sign or a wonder.” Such individuals may speak under a great anointing, prophesy the future correctly and perform miracles, signs, and wonders. At the same time, however, these false prophets may preach the gospel contrary to Biblical revelation, adding to God’s Word or subtracting from it. If we follow these false leaders, we will fall astray from sincere, pure devotion and loyalty to God and His Word.
The New Testament also warns that false prophets and teachers will distort the gospel of Christ in the last days of this age. Believers must remain faithful to God’s written revelation in the Bible. The validity of an individual’s ministry and teaching must not be evaluated solely on his preaching, powers of prophecy, the performance of miracles, or the number of conversions. Such criteria will become increasingly undependable as the end of the age approaches. The standard for truth must always be the infallible Word of God.
Today, many people who attend church do not read God’s Word as they should or attempt to study it. This approach allows the false leaders to lead church-goers, lukewarm or occasional bible readers away from God instead of closer to Him. The devil knows the relationship between religious people and God. A connection between God and people requires time. If we read little and pray less, it opens the door for the enemy to take advantage of those people by using these false prophets to influence them.

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