A blessing and a curse

In Deuteronomy, chapter eleven, verse twenty-six, God gave His people the choice of receiving a blessing or a curse. If they obeyed God’s Word and remained separated from the sin of the surrounding nations, then God’s favor would come upon them and overtake them. On the other hand, if they conformed to the ways of the ungodly, God’s curse would come upon them and overtake them. Unfortunately, for the most part, Israel did not take God’s warning seriously. 
All too often, the adopted ways of the unbelievers and thus fell under His curse or judgments. God places the same choice: a blessing or a curse before the New Testament believers. If we despise sin, follow Christ, and seek to serve Him continually, then His favor and power will be ours. However, if we depart from God and His righteous ways, we will lose God’s presence, help, and covenant protection.
Moses sums up all the arguments for obedience in two words, the blessing and the curse. He charged the people to choose which they would have. Moses then appointed a public and solemn proclamation of favor and misfortune upon the two mountains of Gerizim and Ebal. We have broken the law and are under its curse without remedy from ourselves. In mercy, the gospel again sets before us a blessing and a curse. 
We receive God’s approval if we obey the call to repentance, faith in Christ, and newness of heart and life through him. The other side, an awful curse. However, if we neglect so great salvation, let us thankfully welcome these glad tidings of great joy. And let us not harden our hearts, but hear this voice of God while it is today and while He invites us to come to Him upon a mercy seat. Let us be diligent and make our calling and election sure.

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