Power to get wealth

In Deuteronomy, chapter eight, verse eighteen, this verse affirms that God at times blessed Israel as a sign of confirmation that He was fulfilling His covenant with Abraham and his descendants. Unfortunately, many times in the world, wealth is gained by means contrary to godly principles and practices. Such wealth should not be one of God’s blessings.
If the Israelites were to eat there and be satisfied, to live amid plenty, they were to beware of not forgetting their God. That when their prosperity and possessions are in the form of lofty houses, cattle, gold and silver, and other good things increases, their heart might not be prideful. The Israelites receiving God’s blessing should not become proud, forgetting their deliverance from Egypt and their miraculous preservation and guidance in the desert. Ascribe the property they had acquired and not acknowledge it as their strength and the work of their own hands. To keep the people from this danger of forgetting God, which follows so from the pride of wealth, Moses once more enumerates in Deuteronomy eight, fourteen through sixteen tells manifestations of divine grace.
Today, believers or followers of Christ have received financial blessings from God according to His Word. However, the challenge is being a good steward of it and not letting wealth overwhelm us physically and be carnally contaminated spiritually. Today, it is uncommon in society to find someone going about blessing others with the financial blessings they have received from God. Most often, people who get this wealth opportunity fall into temptation and sin against God. Some succumb to the flesh and experience carnality. Others fail to continue to serve God and grow spiritually weak and allow the flesh to lead them instead.
The power to get wealth is from God. Very few experience this because He knows that some will be unable to handle the pressure that comes with it. However, some manage financial blessings from God because their heart is on Him and not the finances. Power to get wealth is not doing business in God’s house as they did in Matthew twenty-one verse twelve. That includes prosperity messages to persuade people to give more than their portion of the Lord states in His Word.

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