Lest thou forget…teach them to thy sons

Deuteronomy, chapter four, verse nine, summons that we diligently remember God’s past work and continue to abide in His Word lest love for God and spiritual realities diminish from our hearts. Negligence in this area can result in tragic spiritual ruin for our children and grandchildren. A diligent and persevering adherence to God and His laws is necessary to pass on a spiritual inheritance to our children.
Only beware and take care of thyself: To take care of the soul as the seat of life, to defend one’s life from danger and injury as in Proverbs thirteen-three and Proverbs nineteen sixteen. “That thou do not forget the facts described in Exodus chapters nineteen through twenty-four, and that they do not depart from thy heart all the days of thy life. And thou make them known to thy children and children’s children.” These acts of God formed the foundation of the true religion, the basis of the covenant legislation, and the firm guarantee of the objective truth and divinity of all the laws and ordinances Moses gave to the people. And this constituted the essential distinction between the religion of the Old Testament and all heathen religions, whose founders, it is true, professed to derive their doctrines and statutes from divine inspiration without giving any practical guarantee that their origin was excellent.
Today, believers attempt to let their light shine in the home, community, and other areas of life. However, there are times when we face difficult circumstances which could easily overwhelm us to forget the past victories and blessings God has provided. Especially nowadays with different events never seen or heard before that arise to persuade us to follow something else instead of keeping God’s Word within our hearts. The Word of God is life, and He honors His Word above His name. For believers, this should be our focus.

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