August 2023

Judah did evil

In First Kings, chapter fourteen, verse twenty-two, the tribe of Judah, ruled by Rehoboam, did little better than the ten tribes of Israel. They also followed their leader in forsaking the Lord and gave themselves to terrible sin. Before the fourth year of Rehoboam’s reign, the downfall occurred. However, in the first three years, Israel …

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Thou hast disobeyed

In First Kings, chapter thirteen, verses twenty-one to twenty-two, the story of the unnamed disobedient prophet is an example and a warning to believers today, as in First Corinthians ten, verses one through thirteen. The scriptures stand for the believer’s highest obligation about God’s will for a believer’s life. The words and teachings of recognizable …

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In First Kings, chapter thirteen, verse two, the prophecy was made about three hundred years before Josiah was born. A man of God from Judah cries out at the altar with Jeroboam standing against all the worship performed. He directs his speech against the altar because the following signs would come. The future prophecy is the …

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Made priests which were not the Sons of Levi

In First Kings, chapter twelve, verse thirty-one, Jeroboam appointed priests who were not qualified according to God’s standards in Numbers three, verses six through nine, and chapter eight, verses five through twenty, respectively. Under the new covenant, the Levitical priesthood no longer exists, but God has established particular essential qualifications for those ordained for pastoral …

Made priests which were not the Sons of Levi Read More »