August 2022

Wave offering

In Leviticus chapter seven, verse thirty, the wave offering was the priest’s portion of the peace offering. The hand or hands waved toward the sanctuary are a sign of dedication to God in those Old Testament days. The wave activity repeats toward the offerer or priest. This action indicates that the Lord was now putting …

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Upon the altar

In Leviticus, chapter seven, verse two, in the Old Testament, ritualized forms of worship were a means of communication between God and His people. They have dramatized prayers expressing the people’s repentance and pleas for forgiveness and reconciliation, which is the expression of the Israelite’s gratitude and dedication to God. On God’s part, they are …

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Trespass offering

In Leviticus chapter five, verse fifteen, the requirement for the trespass or guilt offering is when someone intentionally ignores the property rights of another person. This offering was also necessary when someone broke the Lord’s commandments unintentionally. The trespasser had to bring an offering along with restitution for the wrong done plus a twenty percent …

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Sin offering

In Leviticus chapter four, verse three, God required a sin offering so those who sin in ignorance, out of weakness, or without deliberate intention could receive forgiveness. Intentional, rebellious sins, on the other hand, were to be punished by death in those Old Testament days. A trespass offering (similar to a sin offering) was for …

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Peace offering

In Leviticus chapter three, verse one, the peace offering is a requirement to have fellowship with God and to express thanksgiving or to make a vow back in the Old Testament. For the offerer, it involved a commitment to the covenant and celebrated peace and reconciliation between God and the worshiper. Today, the offering points …

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Meat offering

In Leviticus chapter two, verse one, the meat offering was a gift presented to God as an act of worship, symbolizing the dedication to Him of a fruit of the person’s labor. It implies that all human work should be unto the Lord, and receiving one’s daily food should be honored with thanksgiving. In Genesis, …

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Put hand upon

In Leviticus chapter one, verse four, an Israelite sacrificing an animal back in those days in the Old Testament leaned on the animal, signifying that the person was identifying themselves with the animal as it stood in its place. This act presented the idea of substitution. When the animal died, it was as if the …

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