August 2022

Unto devils

In Leviticus chapter seventeen, verse seven, the word translated “devils” literally means hairy ones and probably refers to goat idols. Evidently, during the times of Moses, Israel offered sacrifices to desert demons to secure their help or their favor. This kind of action represented spiritual unfaithfulness to the Lord God and was strictly forbidden. As …

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Ye shall be holy

In Leviticus chapter eleven verse forty-four, the instruction concerning clean and unclean, proper and improper food is given apparently for health reasons, but also the standards to help Israel remain a people separated from the ungodly society about them. These dietary instructions are not for New Testament believers since Christ fulfilled their significance and purpose. …

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Slew the calf

In Leviticus chapter nine, verse eight, God instituted animal sacrifice as an ordinance whereby sinners might draw near Him in repentance and faith to experience forgiveness, salvation, and fellowship. The offering of an animal was an object lesson, pointing to the principle of vicarious sacrifice and substitutionary atonement. The animal sacrifice life offers in the …

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Aaron and sons

In Leviticus chapter eight, verse two describes the ordination of Aaron and his sons to the priesthood. In the Old Testament, the worshiper who approached God needed not only an offering but also the mediation of a priest. The Leviticus priesthood described here finds fulfillment in Jesus Christ, the believer’s high priest. A priest appoints …

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