July 2022

Shall not steal

In Exodus chapter twenty, verse fifteen is the eighth commandment that prohibits stealing money or anything belonging to another. Cheating is also a form of stealing. This commandment is the opposite of honesty which is dishonesty. There are many forms of stealing besides robbing finances or taking personal things from others. The most common form …

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Commit not Adultery

In Exodus chapter twenty, verse fourteen, the seventh commandment is that no one should not commit adultery. This commandment prohibiting adultery encompasses immorality and all sexual sins. Why? Adultery is the second set of the final five commandments. The difference between this one from the other four is the potential for contamination: to be eternally …

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Shall not kill

In Exodus chapter twenty, verse thirteen, the sixth commandment forbids willful murder, the unauthorized or unlawful taking of life. God prescribes the death penalty for violating this commandment. In Genesis chapter nine, verse six of the Old Testament states, “Whoso sheddeth man’s blood, by man shall his blood be shed. For in the image of …

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Honor father/mother

In Exodus chapter twenty, verse eight, to honor father and mother is the fifth commandment that includes all necessary acts of kindness, material support, respect, and obedience to one’s parents. It prohibits unkind words and harmful activity. In chapter twenty-one, verses fifteen and seventeen, God required the death penalty for anyone who hit or cursed …

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Name in vain

In Exodus chapter twenty, verse seven, making use of the name Lord or God in a light and trifling way, without any show of reverence and affection, should never be mentioned in a grave and serious manner. Taking God’s name “in vain” includes making a false promise by it. Pronouncing it insincerely or thoughtlessly, by …

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No other gods

In Exodus chapter twenty, verse three is the first commandment stated by God that there should be no other deities before Him. This command prohibits the polytheism that characterizes all the religions of the ancient Near East. Israel was not to worship or call upon any of the gods of other nations but commanded them …

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