July 2022

Consume them?

In Exodus chapter thirty-two, verse ten, the Lord was speaking to Moses about the Israelites about the apostasy and sin they committed and wanted to punish them for their actions. God openly declares the intention to destroy and raise another nation through His servant Moses. In the last three verses of this chapter, before verse …

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Rose to play

In Exodus chapter thirty-two, verse six, the people of Israel began to indulge in sensual dancing and sexual immorality. Verse twenty-five indicates the Israelites became ungovernable and made themselves naked. In this manner, the sin of the Israelites may have involved exploring others’ nakedness for sexual play and pleasure, which in God’s law strictly prohibits …

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Made golden calf

In Exodus chapter thirty-two, verse four, Aaron as a leader, seriously compromises God’s standard by making a molten calf to please the people he served. He gave into the godless pressure of the Israelites and violated the second commandment. Only Moses’ intercession saved him from God’s wrath and death. Originally God did not intend to …

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Spirit of God

In Exodus chapter thirty-one, verse three, where God was speaking to Moses about a specific person getting filled with His Spirit. The idea of being “filled with the Spirit of God” means spiritual equipping and enabling service to God and teaching others. It is appropriate under the new covenant to pray that the Spirit will …

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Take sickness away

In Exodus chapter twenty-three, verse twenty-four, God connected the removal of sickness among His people with their wholehearted devotion to Him and their separation from the ungodly influences around them. However, the ailment of the individual does not necessarily indicate they have conformed to the wicked ways of society. This passage does not suggest that …

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Fear not

In Exodus chapter twenty, verse twenty, the sights and sounds cause the Israelites to become afraid and to back off to the opposite side of the valley. Moses told them to stop being fearful with cowardly fear. God was using this display of power to inspire in them a godly fear and reverence that would …

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Shall not covet

In Exodus, chapter twenty, verse seventeen is the tenth and final commandment that goes beyond the external sin of word and deed to condemn evil motives and desires. Coveting involves the passion or lust for all that is wrong or belongs to another person. This commandment reveals the depth of human sinfulness that exposes the …

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Not be false

In Exodus chapter twenty, verse sixteen, the ninth commandment protects the name and reputation of other persons. No one may make false statements about anyone’s character or actions. We must speak about all people in a fair and just manner. This commandment also encompasses lying in general. It is so easy to be false than …

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