April 2021


Why do people Presume? Then the king Ahasuerus answered and said unto Esther the queen, Who is he, and where is he, that durst presume in his heart to do so? Esther 7:5 This verse is an example of the result of a person that presumes. In the end, the truth is revealed and the …

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Negative Words

The effect of negativity But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. Matthew 15:18 Whose mouth is full of cursing and bitterness: Romans 3:14 There is an old saying, “Sticks and stones Will break my bones, But names will never hurt me.” Is it true? Wrong! The …

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Silent Conflict

HAVE YOU EVER HAD CONFLICT WITH SOMEONE WITH NO ARGUMENT? Hmm. Conflict is a disagreement normally between two people with opposing views on a subject, situation, or matter.  However, to have a problem with someone and no words were expressed or exchanged? Inner Viewing from an internal visual perspective, these problems usually occur with people …

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Easter Sunday

Outer Easter Sunday is  Resurrection Sunday among the Christians,  a celebration and holiday to commemorate the resurrection of Jesus from the tomb on the third day after His crucifixion. This day acknowledged by other religious denominations as the end of lent and the Easter season. A day for people of God that view the day …

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